​5/2 - Onboard The X-Ang (3)

5/2 - Onboard The X-Ang (3)

  • Same decor/lighting as Area 2––curved corridor. 
  • Locked metal doors (NW and NE) that Yuki or chromed-out Punk can hack on a CS INTL CHECK (one-time chance—side control panel box blinks red on failure).  
  • 1d4 humanoid crew skeletons lie in hallway––hunched over controls or slumped next to walls. 
  • On party’s arrival, slimes ooze out of the corpses’ orifices and attack. 
  • Unknown Slime (MT - ST) - Besides melee attack, 10% chance slime absorbs target’s body part––S VIG CHECK to escape or +1d6 acid DMG
  • Corridor continues to the south. 

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