4/4 - Voidglor (3)

4/4 - Voidglor (3) 

  • Room same as previous, except for a circle engraved on the stone floor. Different sigils encompass the circle. On a successful INTL STAT CHECK, Punks decipher the sigils as part of a Summoning Circle. On an MS or CRIT success, Punks know who it summons—the demon, Floog
  • The circle activates if the party breaks the Summoning Circle’s boundaries. It will crackle with life showing a green and black maelstrom within the circle and mirrored on the ceiling. 
  • Floog will only appear once entire party leaves through (unlocked) north or east doors. Pursues party. 
  • Floog - Voidglor Guardian Demon (MT - ST)
    • 3 attacks/COMBAT ROUND (any combo):
      • Claw Strike - FIGHTING ROLL+1d4 VIG HP DMG. 25% poison chance from claws +1d6 VIG HP DMG1d3 VIG HP DMG/COMBAT ROUND or out of COMBAT until antidote is found (Room 5)
      • Fire Breath - FIGHTING ROLL+1D3 VIG HP DMG. 10% chance Punk is ablaze for +1d6 burn VIG HP DMG
      • Hurb’s Lethe - SPELL CHECK - Causes the majick-user to forget all spells for 1d4 COMBAT ROUNDS

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