3/20 - Algool (2)

3/20 - Algool (2) 

  • Humid and dank digi-swamp greets the Punks as they enter the area.
  • A wood footbridge is the only passage through the dismal muck sloshing over it. 
  • Hanging moss over submerged trees, croaking frogs, and all other manner of bog sights/sounds envelop the party. 
  • Holo-Yuki rezs to join the Punks and warns, “Algool is a dangerous part of the NVS. ICE protocols mutate with other cyber programs. Unknown things live here.”
  • Punks that stray off the footbridge must make a VIG STAT CHECK or receive 2d4 VIG HP DMG from poisonous digi-swamp water. 

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